Handicap Management System
CTGA handicaps will be established and maintained for each Member by the CTGA Tournament/Handicap Director, using Software Systems Handicap Manager (HM), which conforms to USGA Handicap Standards. Handicaps will be calculated based on the lowest ten (10) of the most recent twenty (20) posted CTGA tournament scores. If a member has less than 20 official CTGA rounds, his/her handicap will be determined using the Low Handicap Differential scores of his/her posted rounds following approved USGA Handicap calculation.
See our Handicap Rules under By-Laws for more details on calculating handicaps.
CTGA will provide handicap cards for members who need handicap indexes for special non-CTGA tournaments by contacting your Tournament Director.
CTGA members may request to view our Handicap Management System software by contacting your Tournament Director.
Active member handicaps will be carried over to the following year.
New member handicaps are established in two ways: providing a current, official GHIN/USGA handicap card or self-identifying their average scoring ability. We use these to establish their initial provisional handicaps for CTGA tournaments. Refer to Rule #6 of our CTGA By-Laws for a complete explanation.
Past members who rejoin CTGA must establish new handicaps using either of the above methods.
Note: If a new or returning member has a current, established USGA/GHIN handicap, this handicap takes precedence and must be submitted to establish a CTGA provisional handicap.
Note: If a new or returning member has a current USGA/GHIN handicap established elsewhere, this handicap takes precedence and must be submitted to CTGA as the starting provisional handicap.
CTGA uses the honor system to allow new members and guests to provide us with scores for provisional handicapping purposes.
January 10, 2015