Embedded Rock Rule
The CTGA Embedded Rock Rule was approved by member vote to prevent personal injury and/or golf club damage from natural rocks embedded in the ground that cannot be moved away as Loose Impediment.
Embedded Rock, by CTGA definition, applies only to those rocks that are a “natural” part of the golf course. Rocks put on the course for aesthetic purposes are not considered embedded and do not apply to this rule.
In the spirit of this CTGA specific rule and in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play, if it is determined that your ball has come to rest on or within striking distance of an embedded rock and you request relief away from the rock, the following steps must be applied:
- You must get concurrence from at least two (2) players in your 4-some before taking relief;
- The allowable relief distance must be no greater than the distance required to ensure complete relief from the Embedded Rock.
- Place a tee at the spot where your original ball lies;
- Take relief by placing the ball in a spot that ensures relief from the Embedded Rock only, which in most cases should be within 3-5 inches away from the Embedded Rock.
- The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Rule.
- Exception to Rule: Interference by an Embedded Rock with the player’s Stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under this Rule.
- Again, in the spirit of fair play, you may not take additional relief that could improve your stance or swing away from trees, bushes, etc.
Embedded Rock relief does not apply within a hazard. Proceed under Rule 26. Water Hazards or Rule 28 Ball Unplayable for bunkers.
Loose Impediment (Rule 23) is not considered embedded and may be moved at your discretion, realizing that if the ball moves as a result of moving the loose impediment, a penalty of one stroke is incurred in accordance with Rule 18-2. Ball At Rest Moved by Player.
Revised: October 10, 2011