CTGA Formats and Competitions

All CTGA tournament play competition will have Player Pool Flights determined by the number of players entered;

  • Individual Format tournament Flights will be set and balanced as closely as possible based on the number of players and handicap spreads in the tournament;
  • Team Format tournaments will have two or three Team Flights, depending on number of players, and will be set and balanced as closely as possible based on the Team’s combined handicaps;
  • Individual Flights provide Equitable Competition between players with comparable handicaps. 
  • All player handicaps are adjusted using Stroke Index for that course.


Players compete against all other players within their Flight, using full handicaps. The player with the lowest net score round within each Flight wins that Flight. Second lowest net score wins 2nd place, third lowest net score wins 3rd place, etc.




All Team players plays your own ball until it is holed out.

The Low Net Scores on every hole will be used for the Base Team Net Score.

If the second players score is Net Par or better, a single Bonus Stroke is deducted from the Low Net Score total.


Using a Par 4 hole as examples with both Team Players getting Strokes on the holes:

  1. Individual Team Gross Scores: 4 - (5)
    Low Individual Net Score: 3 = 3  (4) Bonus Stroke -1) = Team Score - 2
  2. Individual Team Gross Scores: 4 - (7)
    Low Individual Net Score: 3  = 3  = Team Score 3

Very simple scoring:  1 Bonus Stroke is deducted ONLY if the 2nd Team Score is Par or better.

Winners are determined by 18 hole Low Net Scores of the Teams.


2-PLAYER 9+9

Each team member plays his/her own ball until holed out.

Front 9:  the Low Net Score of the Team for each hole will be used for the team score.

Back 9:  both Team Member Net Scores will be used for the team score.

The Team with the Lowest Team Net Score wins.  The 2nd Lowest is 2nd, etc.



Each team member plays his/her own ball until holed out.

Odd Numbered Holes:  the one Low Net Score of the Team is used for the team score.

Even Numbered Holes:  the Low Net Scores of both Team Players is used for the team score.

The Team with the Lowest Team Net Score wins.  The 2nd Lowest is 2nd, etc.



Green Ball

A selected ball, labeled “Green Ball” is given to each Team and the objective of this competition is to finish the 18 holes without losing the green ball. The Team designates Player #1 and Player #2.

  • Team player #1 must play the Green Ball on all odd number holes, beginning with hole #1 and play his/her own Medal Play ball on all even number holes;
  • Team Player #2 must play the Green Ball on all even number holes, beginning with hole #2 and play his/her own Medal Play ball on all odd number holes;
  • Both the Green Ball and the Medal Play ball are played until holed out;
  • The Low Green Ball Net Score of the Team for each hole will be used for the Green Ball Team score;
  • If the Green Ball is lost at any time during the round, an X is put at that hole and their Green Ball Team score ends with the last completed Green Ball hole;
  • The Team that posts the lowest 18 hole Green Ball Net Score wins.  The Team with the 2nd lowest Green Ball Net Score is 2nd, etc.
  • If all Team Green Balls are lost prior to completion of 18 holes, the Team with the most Green Ball holes finished combined with the Lowest Net Green Ball Score is the winner.

Best Ball

Low Net score of the Team for each hole, be it the Green Ball or the other ball, will be used for the Team Best Ball Net Score.  The Team with the Low Total Best Ball Net Score of the round wins


Note:  The same Team cannot win both Green Ball and Best Ball competitions.



This popular Team format gets all Team Players involved in the scoring.

Each team member plays his/her own ball until it is holed out.

  • On holes #1 through #6, the 2 Low Net Scores of the Team are used for the Team Score;
  • On holes #7 through #12, the 3 Low Net Scores of the Team are used for the Team Score;
  • On holes #13 through #18, the Low Net Scores of all 4 Team Players are used for the Team Score;

The Team with the Lowest Team Net Score wins.  The 2nd Lowest is 2nd, etc.


4-Player ~ 3 Best Ball + Bonus

All Team players plays your own ball until it is holed out.

The Three (3) Low Net Scores on every hole will be used for the Base Team Net Score.

If all four (4) player scores are Net Par or better, a single Bonus Stroke is deducted from the 3 Low Net Score total.


Using a Par 4 hole as examples with all Team Players getting Strokes on the holes:

  • Individual Team Gross Scores: 4 – 4 – 5 – (5)
    Individual Team Net Scores: 3 + 3 + 4 = 10  (4) Bonus Stroke -1) = Team Score - 9
  • Individual Team Gross Scores: 4 – 6 – 5 – (7)
    Individual Team Net Scores: 3 + 5 + 4  = 12  = Team Score 12

Very simple scoring:  1 Bonus Stroke is deducted from the total of the 3 Low Net Team Scores ONLY if the 4th player’s score is a Par or Better.

Winners are determined by 18 hole Low Net Scores of the Teams.



This popular Team formats gets all Team Players involved in the scoring.

Each Team player is a required Designated Hitter on 4 holes and his/her Net Score will be used toward the Team Net Score (see below).

Teams will determine your own Designated Hitter Rotation and strategy is important in doing so.

  • Player A is the Designated Hitter (DH) on holes 1, 5, 10, and 14;
  • Player B is the DH on holes 2, 6, 11, and 15;
  • Player C is the DH on holes 3, 7, 12, and 16;
  • Player D is the DH on holes 4, 8, 13, and 17;
  • On every hole, except holes #9 and #18, the combined DH Net Score and the single Low Net Score of the other 3 Team players are counted for that hole.
  • No DH on holes 9 and 18.  On these holes, the 2 Low Net Scores of the Team are used for the Team Score
  • The Team with the Lowest Team Net Score wins.  The 2nd Lowest is 2nd, etc.


This is a Gross Score tournament with a calculated Team Handicap to determine winners.

Team handicaps will be a percentage of the cumulative individual handicaps of the 4 Team Players.  Lowest Team Handicap will be reduced to 25%, next lowest to 20%, next lowest to 15%, and highest handicap player to 10%.

Example: Individual handicap are…..

(6 – 25% = 1.5)  (9 – 20% = 1.8)  (12 – 15% = 1.8)  (17 – 10% = 1.7)  Team Handicap = 6.8


  • All Team players hit their tee shots and the Team selects the best of the 4 to hit from for their 2nd shots.  All hit from that spot, etc., until the Team ball is holed out.
  • Teams MUST use at least 2 tee shots from each player on both the front 9 and the back 9.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  • The Team Gross Score for each hole will be recorded on Official Scorecard.
  • The Team Handicap will be deducted from the 18 hole Total Team Score to determine Scramble winners.


Each tournament will have 2 or 3 Gross Trash Competition Flights based on total number of players.  Flights are determined by individual player handicaps.  Trash includes Close-To-Pin, Skins and Deuces.

Close-To-Pin (CTP)

Depending on the number of Par 3 holes on a course, each CTP Flight will compete in 2 or 3 Par 3 holes.  No additional fee required for CTP.  Winner of a CTP hole will be the player whose ball, on the green, is measured closest to the hole.

Note:  CTP applies only to the first shot attempt from the teeing area and that ball, when stopped, must be on the green.

Gross Skins (Optional)

Cost to enter Skins is $5.00.  All players are in the Skins competition unless he/she opts out prior to start of play.  Gross scores only will be used to determine Skins winners.  A Skin is won only if a single Low Gross Score on that hole.  If more than one low score, that hole is halved and yields no Skins winner.

If no Skins are won, the Skins pot will be carried over to the next tournament.

Players who did not play in the event(s) that resulted in Carry Over must “BUY IN” to the Carry Over portion of the Skins pot.

Gross Deuces (Optional)

Cost to enter Deuces is $5.00.  All players are in the Deuces competition unless he/she opts out prior to start of play.  Gross scores only will be used to determine Deuce winners.  All players who record a natural 2 on their scorecard share in the Deuce pot.

If no Deuces are won, the Deuce pot will be carried over to the next tournament.

Players who did not play in the event(s) that resulted in Carry Over must “BUY IN” to the Carry Over portion of the Deuce pot.


CTGA Cup Competition (Optional)

Open to CTGA Members only.  Cost to enter this competition is a one-time fee of $10.00.

Players accumulate points based on their finish in all CTGA tournaments, followed by a year-end Elimination and Finals Playoff to determine our CTGA Cup Champion

CTGA Challenge Competition (Optional)

Open to CTGA Members only.  Cost to enter this competition is a one-time fee of #10.00. 

Two (2) holes are selected at each tournament venue and player Gross and Net scores are recorded.

  • The player with the lowest aggregate 18 hole Gross Score relative to par will be declared our CTGA Challenge Gross Champion
  • The player with the lowest aggregate 18 hole Net Score relative to par will be declared our CTG Challenge Net Champion.


Open to all CTGA members and invited Guests, our CTGA Ryder Cup Challenge pits the CTGA Red Team against the CTGA Blue Team.  Teams are determined by current CTGA handicap indexes.  This is a 2-day event….

  • Saturday:  2-Ball competition pitting 2 Red Team players against 2 Blue Team players
  • Sunday:  Singles competition pitting individual Red Team Players against individual Blue Team players.