CTGA Rules of Play

CTGA tournament play is governed by the 2019 USGA Rules of Golf (revised in 2019) and, where applicable, by Local Rules of the Course, and finally, by our CTGA Specific Rules (Exception to the Rules of Golf).  Unless otherwise provided, penalty for breach of a Local Rule is Two (2) Strokes.




  1. Golf Clubs and Golf Balls:  both must be USGA conforming and a maximum 14 club limit.
  2. No separate putting ball allowed and players must Hole all putts:  A ball may be changed during the play of a hole ONLY if the ball is damaged during play of that hole and failure to hole out a putt on any hole will result in a score of 9 on that hole.
  3. Doubt as to a procedure:  Play a second ball and get correct ruling when round is finished.  Player MUST VERBALLY DECLARE intention to play a 2nd ball PRIOR to playing either the original or provisional ball.
  4. Signing and Returning Score Card:  2 signatures required and returned to the scoring Director immediately after finishing 18th hole.
    1. Player is responsible for correct hole-by-hole scores and failure to turn in completed score card prior to leaving the course will result in disqualification.
    2. A scorecard becomes official when the player has left the course on tournament day.
    3. A score recorded on any hole higher than actual will remain as official.
    4. A score recorded on any hole lower than actual will result in disqualification of the round.
    5. Official results are final when scores are inputted into our CTGA tournament database.
  5. Failure to Mark and Record Close-To-Pin distance prior to putting will result in Close-To-Pin disqualification for that hole.
  6. Pace of Play:  Rule 5.6: Unreasonable Delay of Play:  Excessive Slow Play will be enforced at all CTGA tournaments.  Remember, a maximum of 3 minutes to search for golf balls.
  7. Inclement Weather:  Stoppage of play during a tournament round will be handled as follows:
    1. Any foursome not completing at least 9 holes will result in full event cancellation;
    2. With all foursomes completing more than 9 holes, results will be based on the number of holes completed by all foursomes.
  8. Distance Measuring Devices that measure distance only are permissible.  Use of Slope/Wind feature will result in disqualification.



  1. Embedded Rock Rule:  This Rule allows, THROUGH THE GREEN, relief without penalty from embedded rocks that are a natural part of the golf course.  Rocks placed for esthetic purposes do not apply.
  2. Exposed Root Rule:  This Rule allows, THROUGH THE GREEN, relief without penalty from roots that have resurfaced above the ground only and are not a normal extension of the tree trunk.
  3. Relief from Excessive Abnormal Condition in Bunker:  In the interest of fair playing conditions, a player may take relief, without penalty, from excessive man-made Footprint or Erosion ONLY as follows:
    1. The Footprint or Erosion must be excessive to point that it causes unfair condition for the player AND condition must be agreed to by at least 2 other players in the foursome;
    2. Player will lift the ball, rake the abnormal condition, then replace the ball as close to the original spot.
  4. If your ball has entered a Penalty Area, you may proceed using any of these 4 options:
    1. Play the ball as it lies;
    2. Take Penalty Relief, in the Penalty area, by dropping within 2 club lengths from where the ball lies, no nearer the hole;
    3. Determine where the ball last crossed the margin of the Penalty Area and take one stroke Penalty relief outside the Penalty Area by dropping within 2 club lengths only of that point, no nearer the hole.  It is a breach of CTGA Rules if the drop is not made in this manner.
    4. Take Penalty Relief, outside the Penalty Area, by dropping as far back from where the ball crossed the margin of the Penalty Area, making sure to keep that point in line between where you drop and the flag on the green.  It is a breach of CTGA Rules if the drop is not made in this manner.
  5. In the interest of Time and Pace of Play, a Provisional ball may be played if the original ball is assumed Lost or Out of Bounds or has gone into a Penalty or natural growth area.  Player must verbally declare his/her intent prior to playing a Provisional ball.  Failure to declare will require the player to play the Provisional ball even if the original ball is found and playable;
  6. If original ball is found and playable, provisional ball must be picked up;
  7. If not, provisional ball becomes ball in play and add appropriate stroke(s) to your score (modification to Rule 26-1).
  8. 9 Stroke Limit:  To help maintain Pace of Play, the maximum stroke limit on any hole is 9.
  9. Practice putting on green of hole last played is prohibited.
  10. Music may be played in all CTGA tournaments except our Fall Classic only with approval of all players in that foursome and volume does not disturb any players.



CTGA Directors - Eddie Nunez, Sean Nunez, Scott Preece, Steve Barnes, John Cervantes, Bill Thomas.

In addition, golf course staff will help interpret and rule on specific situations.     

                                                                                                                            October 26, 2024