Star Ranch Results

Star Ranch results are now available.

CTGA welcomed New Member JOHN PHILLIPS to our Star Ranch tournament.

Star Ranch staff were impressed and thankful to see such a good turnout for our CTGA event.  We thank all 37 of the scheduled 42 players who braved the elements yesterday.



It’s frustrating how the weather patterns have been working this winter.  Another harsh winter Thursday following a beautiful and mild Wednesday.  Can our bad luck continue into March?  Who knows!!!!


In addition to our Medal Play winners, Special KUDOS to the following…..

  • Brad Kendrick and Chad Winkelmann with Individual Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 79
  • Steven Leonard with Individual Low Net Round of the day - 66
  • Closest Par 3 winning shots of the day in each Trash Flight:

1st Trash Flight:  AJ Ju – 11’ 2” on #12

2nd Trash Flight:  Justin Bielss – 24’ 7” on #4

  • Rick Spigarelli with the only Deuce in either Trash Flights.