Falconhead Tournament Specifics

Falconhead pairings are now available.


  • CTGA welcomes New Member BRETT KOTECKI to our Falconhead tournament.
  • A reminder that our 2011 FedEx Cup 2 Round Playoff will be a during our September 17 and September 24 events. If you have any questions regarding this Playoff, please let us know.
  • The local Golf Pride representative will hold a “Grip Demo Day” for CTGA at Falconhead. All Golf Pride grips will be on display and, at your request, he’ll put one grip of your choice on any club.


All players are responsible for knowing tournament specifics including Pairings, Assigned Tees, Flights, Starting Holes, and Rules of Play. This information will be posted at the Falconhead pavilion before the start of play.

All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

Jeff Bowman, Jeff Jones and Chris Wadle will be the Directors in charge of this event. Please direct tournament questions or concerns to them.


1st TEE TIME: 11:06


  • Men 1st and 2nd Flights play Gold Tees
  • Men 3rd and 4th Flights play Blue Tees
  • Ladies play Red Tees

TRASH CARRY-OVER: Deuce Carryover in the 2nd Trash Flight.

KODAK CHALLENGE HOLES: No Kodak Challenge hole on Weekday events.

THURSDAY WEATHER FORECAST: Again…..Hot and sunny. If the weather does turn bad, call the golf course (402-1558) after 9:00 on tournament day for status of play.

DRESS CODE: Falconhead Dress Code is in effect and we ask all members to dress consistent with upscale course requirements. They are a Soft Spike facilities.