New Login Accounts for Members

If you're a member you should have recently received login instructions for the new site. If you didn't get them, don't worry -- just click on the My Account option in the main menu and request a new password.

Use either the email address you normally receive CTGA communications through or your username which will be in the format FirstnameLastname, e.g. EddieNunez. The system will then send you a link to reset your password. You can then change both your password and your username into something more familiar to you.

Tournament Director's Message

CTGA tournament year 2010 has come and gone as has the first 5 events of our 2011 schedule. It’s always interesting to look back to reflect on the positives of the past year and to compare it to the year before. 2010 was definitely a year of change for CTGA from several perspectives. We started the year with fewer active Members than in 2009 and ended the year with more. Although it was a year of nominal growth, we had more new Members join than in the past several years and we had fewer Members leave. Our tournament schedule remained the same, but our total Member rounds played was down by 10% over 2009.Read more

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