Teravista Tournament Specifics
Teravista pairings are now available.
Make sure you know your…..
- Start Time
- Assigned Tees to Play
- CTGA Conditions of Competition
All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.
Steve Barnes and Scott Preece will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez. Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.
FORMAT: Medal Play
1st TEE TIME: 10:00
TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER: There is a Carryover in the 2nd Deuce Flight. See attached Carryover sheet for details.
TEES TO PLAY: See Pairing Sheet
CLOSE TO PIN HOLES: 1st Trash Flight - #3 & #15; 2nd Trash Flight - #7 & #11
REMINDER: Teravista expectation is for CTGA to complete our play within 4 hours 30 minutes. Please monitor your play time by staying within a reasonable and acceptable distance behind the foursome in front.
Teravista dress code is consistent with upscale country club code. Please dress consistent with Country Club attire. They are a Soft Spike facility.
THURSDAY WEATHER FORECAST: 84° at our first tee time and around 95º by our final foursome finish time with a slight breeze (4mph) throughout,and no rain in the forecast…as of today. If the weather turn bad, call Eddie after 8:30 Thursday morning (512-797-0566) as he’ll be in touch with the course by then.