Stonetree Tournament Results
Stonetree results are now available.
CTGA welcomed New Member JEFF ROGERS to our Stonetree event.
Countdown to Fall Classic and FedEx Cup Playoff…..
2 events remaining before the start of our FedEx Cup Playoffs…
4 events remaining before our 2017 Fall Classic
In addition to our Medal Play winners, Special KUDOS to the following…..
- Scott Wendlandt with Individual Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 73
- Bill Thomas and Wendy Villegas with Individual Low Net Rounds of the day - 67
- Closest Par 3 winning shots of the day in each Trash Flight:
1st Trash Flight: Erik Rudi – 6’ 2” on #16
2nd Trash Flight: Mike Ryther – 2’ 6” on #4