Morris Williams Results
Morris Williams results are now available.
Morris Williams was our last event for calendar year 2017. Our first tournament for calendar year 2018 is at Lions Muny on Saturday, January 13.
- CTGA Stats for our first 6 events of 2018 will be sent out to all this week and will include rounds played, current handicaps, FedEx Cup and Kodak Challenge points.
- Our 2018 tournament schedule should be ready to send out to all before Christmas.
- Our Pace of Play on Saturday was, for the most part, excellent with all but 2 foursomes finishing 14 minutes or less behind the foursome in front. This gives us a great start for our 2018 tournament year. More on our 2018 Pace of Play initiative to follow.
In addition to our Medal Play Flight Winners, special KUDOS to the following:
- Chris Gowell with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 79
- Anthony Holland with Low Net Rounds of the Day – 66
- Closest Par 3 shots of the day:
1st Trash Flight: Scott Preece - 11’ 11” on #3
2nd Trash Flight: John Valadez – 3’ 11” on #14
- Chad Winkelmann for his Eagle 3 on hole #5