Morris Williams Results

Morris Williams results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Members MAYNARD CONSTABLE, CHRIS GOWELL, RAMMI HILO, and JOHN RAY, and Special Guest JESSE JARAMILLO to our Morris Williams tournament.
  • Another reminder that 2017 Annual Membership Dues are now due.
  • Thanks to Carl Givens, all members will be assessed $2.00 at your next tournament to replenish our $200.00 Hole-In-One fund.



In addition to our Medal Play Flight winners, Special KUDOS to the following…..


  • Josh Johnson with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 73
  • Molly Powers with her SIZZLING LOW NET ROUND of the DAY – 58

And possibly her Low Gross Round with CTGA…..

  • Closest Par 3 shots of the day:

1st Trash Flight:  Paul Cole – 12’ 8” on #12

2nd Trash Flight:   Jim Abrams – 6’ 1” on #14

  • Mike Shelley for his Eagle 3 on hole #16
  • Greg DeGrazia for his SIZZLING 77 GROSS, and his first ever round under 80.
  • And finally to the 32 players who shot NET UNDER PAR on Saturday, which was 51% of the field.  Great playing gang!!!!!