Lions Green Ball Tournament Results
Lions results are now available.
CTGA welcomed New Member MATT MORHARDT and Special Guests TOM CARDLE and ZACK HATFIELD to our Lions Muny tournament.
As a reminder and shown above, our Thursday, July 26 event is now at Onion Creek. The course should be in excellent condition as they did their Spring aerating in late June.
Congratulations to our Lions Muny Green Ball ~ Best Ball winners…..
…..and, special Kudos to….
- Eddie Nunez and Chris Reid with Low Gross Round of the Day – 73
- Helen Friar with the Low Net Round of the Day – 66
- Closest Par 3 shots of the day:
1st Trash Flight: Brad Kendrick – 10’ 2” on #7
2nd Trash Flight: Chad Crawford – 3’ 3” on #4