Legacy Hills Results
Legacy Hills results are now available.
- CTGA welcomed New Member BLUE MORRIS, Returning Member MIKE MARKL and Special Guests PAYDEN CLAYMAN, DAVE FENDRICK and GREG LEWIS to our Legacy Hills tournament.
- Our lead threesome of Phillip Dodson, Patrick Speir and Wes Lynch, who started their round on #14, played their 18 holes in 3 hours 35 minutes. Our trail foursome, who started on #1 and kept up with the foursome in front, finished our round in 4 hours 47 minutes. The result was a loss of 1 hour and 12 minutes between groups starting on #2 thru #13. Something to think about.
- A reminder to all is that our next tournament will be our 4-PLAYER DESIGNATED HITTER tournament at Jimmy Clay
In addition to our Medal Play Flight winners, Special KUDOS to the following…..
- Erik Rudi with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 74
- Phillip Villegas with Low Net Round of the Day – 64
- Phillip Villegas with the most Modified Stableford points earned - 23
- Closest Par 3 shots of the day:
- 1st Trash Flight: Julie Torres – 7’ 3” on #8
- 2nd Trash Flight: Bill Thomas – 11’ 1” on #4
- Phillip Dodson, Patrick Speir and Wes Lynch for their great Pace of Play today.