Jimmy Clay Tournament Specifics
Jimmy Clay pairings are now available.
Jimmy Clay deuce carryover pot.
Your Directors will be in touch with Jimmy Clay staff early morning to determine if conditions require us to cancel our event. If this is the case, we will try to send an email to all members as early as possible. You can also call the course (512-444-0999) after if you feel conditions warrant so.
Our 2017 PACE OF PLAY Initiative is attached. Review it and be prepared to maintain a good Pace of Play on Saturday. We will not request foursomes to track time on the course this event. However, Please make sure you encourage your foursome to Keep Up With The Group In Front.
Make sure you know your…..
- Scheduled start time
- Assigned Tees to Play
- CTGA Rules of Play
All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.
Scott Preece and Steve Barnes will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez. Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.
FORMAT: Individual Medal Play
1st TEE TIME: 10:00
TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER: We have a Carryover in the 1st Trash Flight this event. See the attached Carryover sheet for specifics.
TEES TO PLAY: See attached Pairing Sheet
CLOSE TO PIN HOLES: 1st Trash Flight - #2 & #12; 2nd Trash Flight - #5 & #14
JIMMY CLAY DRESS CODE: There is no specific dress code, however, CTGA requests all players to dress consistent with Country Club attire, so please dress accordingly. They are a Soft Spike facility.
SATURDAY WEATHER FORECAST: Not looking good at this time…..however, let’s be optimistic and hope for a decent change.