Forest Creek Tournament Specifics

Forest Creek pairings are now available.

  • Kissing Tree is no longer on our schedule.  At this time they have lost most of their greens and are struggling to keep 9 holes open for their members.  We’ve finally filled the 4 open spots on our schedule and I will be sending the new Schedule out later this week.
  • Remember, we are now using the new 2019 USGA Rules of Golf changes.  Please make sure you abide by these new rules…..see attached.





Make sure you know your…..

  • Starting Hole (to be assigned at course on Thursday)
  • Assigned Tees to Play
  • CTGA Conditions of Competition


All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play no later than 12:30 as we’ll be going to our starting holes at 12:50.


Steve Barnes, Scott Preece and John Vayo will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez.  Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them. 


FORMAT:  Medal Play




TRASH FLIGHT CARRY-OVER:  No Carry-over in either Trash Flight this event.


TEES TO PLAY:  See Pairing Sheet


CLOSE TO PIN HOLES:  1st Trash Flight - #8 & #14;    2nd Trash Flight - #6 & #17




REMINDER #1:  Unless otherwise marked as Out of Bounds on the course or posted in the scorecard, all major ungroomed areas outside the 2nd cut of fairway will be played as a Penalty Area.


REMINDER #2:  Search time for lost balls is limited to 3 minutes.  PLEASE COMPLY with this new USGA Rule.


Forest Creek dress code is consistent with upscale country club code.  Please dress consistent with Country Club attire.  They are a Soft Spike facility.


THURSDAY WEATHER FORECAST:   With “tongue in cheek”, we’re looking at great weather for CTGA golf on Thursday.  If, however, the weather turn bad, call Eddie after 11:30 Thursday morning (512-797-0566) as he’ll be in touch with the course by then.