White Wing Results

White Wing results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Members PAUL McCARTY, KEN PECK and JASON WUERZ, and Special Guest BILL SYDES to our White Wing tournament.
  • I apologize for the delay in getting our White Wing results out to everyone, but both Kevin Lowe and I were out of town. We’ll do our best to avoid this problem in the future.
  • Another reminder that our next event is a WEEKDAY tournament at the ever popular Star Ranch. We always look forward to returning to this great course.

Congratulations to our Flight winners….


1st Flight: Jason Duran (79 / 71)

2nd Flight: Dude Spellings (79 / 69)

3rd Flight: Szucceed Ly (80 / 64)

4th Flight: Charles Shepherd (80 / 58)


Also Special Congratulations to…..

  • Jeff Weisheit – Low Gross 74
  • Nathan Alderman and Jason Duran for the only Skins in the 1st Trash Flight
  • Szucceed Ly (2) and Charles Shepherd for the only Skins in the 2nd Trash Flight
  • Steve Barnes, Szucceed Ly and Charles Shepherd for the only Skins in the 2nd Trash Flight
  • Szucceed Ly and Charles Shepherd were “Diamonds in the Rough” at White Wing. Way to go, guys…