Lions Results

Lions results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Member MARK MOORE and Special Guest FRANK HINNANT to our Lions Muny tournament.
  • Updates CTGA Stats will be sent out within the next couple days. Just haven’t had the time to get them done yet.


Congratulations to our Lions Muny Team Winners….


1st Place: The Team of Johnathan Duffie (79/70), Brian Newsom (94/75), Jason Kerfoot (93/72), and Frank Hinnant (99/77) for a Team Total 120


2nd Place Tie:

The Team of Eddie Nunez (78/73), Carl Givens (94/80), Mark Moore (98/80) and their Blind Draw partner Chris Toombs (100/90) for a Team Total 141…..

The Team of Elliott Reyes (85/76), Paul DeGroot (90/76), Juan Morales (101/87) and their Blind Draw partner Greg Jones (97/87) for a Team Total 141..... and

The Team of Bill Lindquist (83/78), Dave McGuire (85/76), Anthony Guzaldo (86/75), and Jeff Jones (98/84) for a Team Total 141.

Also, the Blind Draw Partners do not get a share of the 2nd Place Prize money. The $15.00 for each of the Blind Draw shares goes back into our General Fund for our 2012 Fall Classic.


Also Congratulations to…..

  • Jason Kerfoot for his Eagle 3 on #12.
  • Johnathan Duffie for the only Deuce in the 1st Deuce Flight…..and
  • Jeff Bowman for the only Deuce in the 2nd Deuce Flight.