Fall Classic Results

Fall Classic results are now available.

This year’s Fall Classic was arguably the best yet. Participation was strong with 50 players committed to play. Unfortunately we had one No-Show and 2 withdrew during the tournament. It was tough to see some of our players having to play with adjusted handicaps due to lack of sufficient tournaments played during the year. Next year we expect these members to be gunning with full handicaps.


Congratulations to our Competition Winners


Medal Play Competition

    1st Flight: Ed Hilpert 144 Net

    2nd Flight: Kevin Lowe 141 Net

    3rd Flight: Rick Hall 138 Net

    4th Flight: Tod Alderman 129 Net

    Lame Duck: Scott Preece 67 Net


Low Gross

    Saturday: Brad Bevil 77

    Sunday: Michael Holzmeister 78, Craig Laubacher 78


FedEx Cup Playoff

    Brian Newsom came from 13th Place to win with a final round 80/63


Kodak Challenge

    Gross: 1st Place Eddie Nunez 5 Under Par (18 hole aggregate Score)

                  2nd Place Tie Sean Nunez 3 Under Par

     Carl Givens 3 Under Par

    Net: 1st Place Tie Carl Givens 19 Under Par (18 hole aggregate Score)

                                                    Joe Gimenez 19 Under Par

    Randall Wofford 19 Under Par

We will have a Playoff to break the ties at the next CTGA tournament that all the players sign up for.


….and more Cudos to….

 …to the 4th Medal Play Flight that had a total of 10 rounds of Under Net Par compared to only 11 rounds combined for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Lame Duck Flights.

 …to Scott Preece (#2) and Brad Weaver (#14) for holing out their shots for Eagles at Legacy Hills.

 …to JD Elkins for his Close-To-Pin wins on #8 at Legacy Hills and #8 at Roy Kizer

 …to the record 12 players who Declared Lame Duck this year.

 …to Brad Bevil and his 77 at Legacy Hills for the low single Gross Score of the tournament.

 …to Tod Alderman for the Low Net 2-Day Total of 129.

 …and, again, to Brian Newsom for literally lapping the field to win the FedEx Cup Playoff.

 …to all this year’s participants who made our Fall Classic one to remember.