2-Player Team Championship Results
Results for 2-Player Team Championship are now available.
CTGA welcomed New Members IAN BRINK and TOWNER DYER, and Special Guests BILLY GRAHAM and JIM ROSENTHAL to our 2-Day Team tournament.
Not sure how many more bad weather bullets CTGA can dodge, but we did it again this weekend. Yesterday was all but a total washout, but persistence and optimism told the 72 CTGA faithfuls that we would play. After a 75 minute delay, we started in the rain and by the 3rd hole the rain gear came off and the rest of the day was outstanding.
2-Day Team Flight winners…..
1st Team Flight: John Relic and his “blind draw” partner Tom Bolanos took top honors with a 59 (Sat)/136 (Sun)/195 Team Total.
2nd Team Flight: John Cervantes and John Valadez with a 60/144/204 Team Total
Also, special Kudos to….
- Tom Bolanos with Saturday’s Individual Low Gross Round of the Day – 71
- Brad Powers with Sunday’s Individual Low Gross Round of the Day - 70
- John Valadez with Saturday’s Individual Low Net Rounds the Day – 62
- Chris Toombs with Sunday’s Individual Low Net Round of the Day – 65
- Tom Bolanos with the 2-Day Individual Low Gross Round - 143
- Erik Rudi & Steve Barnes for Saturday’s Team Low Net Round of the Day – 58
- Brad Power & Seth Hill for Sunday’s Team Low Net Round of the Day - 135
- Closest Par 3 shots of the day:
Saturday – Paul Cole – 6’ 5” on #12
Sunday – Tommy Norris – 7’ 11” on #4
- John Lawless and Blake McAlister for the only Deuces in Saturday’s 2nd Trash Flight
- Joe Gimenez and Juan Morales for the only Deuces in the Sunday’s 2nd Trash Flight
- And finally, to Tom Bolanos (#11) and Bill Lindquist (#17) for their Eagle 3’s Saturday.