Fall Classic Results

Classic results are now available.

If CTGA could fingerprint a perfect day for every Fall Classic, it would have to mirror this weekend.  Unlike past events where rain was either the norm or threat, this year was just shy of perfect.  The only thing that could have made it better for me was my golf game.  Ah….but there’s always next year to look forward to.


  • Your Directors thank all our Members for your 2015 support, great sportsmanship, uncompromising dedication, and commitment to help make CTGA the best golf organization in the greater Austin area.
  • Several CTGA milestones were realized this year…several of which we mentioned at our Annual Meeting on Saturday.  A full 2015 recap will be sent out soon.




As you’ll all see by the attached Results, no other golf league offers the diverse competitions we have throughout the year, culminated by our great Fall Classic.  To those who played this final event, we hope you had a great time and we look forward to seeing you there again next October.  To those who, unfortunately had to miss this event, we hope you’ll be able to add it to your “priorities” next year.


Above are the 4 major results of our 2-Day event, including:

            Medal Play and Trash Results

            2-Player Team Results

            Year-long FedEx Cup Finals Results

            Year-long Kodak Challenge Final Results


Congratulations to all our Fall Classic competition winners.  I won’t even try to list all our weekend winners here, so enjoy the attachments.


I will, however, single out several important people who helped make our 2015 Fall Classic one to remember…….

  • Kevin Lowe, Scott Preece and Steve Barnes, our At Large Directors, who, as with all our 2015 events, were the ones who helped make our pre-start and post-play activities flow smoothly.  These guys are the cornerstone of our tournament day activities every event;
  • To Sean Nunez who has the responsibility for managing all the aspects of our finances every tournament.  It’s his commitment that ensures the success of our annual Fall Classic.
  • To Mike Cearley and John Vayo for their volunteer help to ease the burden of all that needed to be done during these 2 days;
  • To our members who took it upon themselves to chip in with assistance on Saturday and Sunday;
  • And lastly, to our Catering Crew….

1     Cathy Lowe for the timely arrival and set-up of our Saturday food

2     Leigh Nunez and Kristi Rosselot for the timely arrival and set-up of our Sunday food

3     Sean Nunez and his “Green Egg” for the great brisket on Sunday

4     Leigh Nunez again for Salsa and our Sunday chocolate chip cookies

5     To our Suds & Soda crew of Kevin, Scott and Mike Cearley for having our brew, sodas and water on ice and ready to quench our thirst

6     To Josh Lockhart, Legacy Hills Tournament Director, for his great help to make our day at Sun City one to remember

7     And finally, to the 70 CTGA members who joined us on this picture perfect weekend.


And finally, there’s no rest for the weary…..Our first official 2016 tournament is on Saturday, October 24 at Morris Williams.  Format will be our 4-Player Team 6+6+6 event.  To those not familiar with this format, the 1st 6 holes will count the two Low Net Scores of the Team, the 2nd 6 holes the 3 Low Net Scores and the last 6 holes will count all 4 player Net Scores.  A fun format that gets all Team players involved.  Sign up deadline for this event is Monday, October 19.



Fall Classic Tournament Specifics

Fall Classic pairings are now available.

Our Fall Classic is the last event of our CTGA’s 2015 tournament schedule and it’s always the biggest and most awaited event of the year.  Here’s what we have to look forward to:

  1. With 74 players, it’s our largest Fall Classic field
  2. It’s our first 7 Medal Play Flights ever, and with our Lame Duck Flight, we’ll have a total of 8 Flight competing for top honors on Sunday
  3. Our FedEx Cup Playoff Finals is increased from 24 to 30 finalists and our first ever Championship and Consolation bracketing, with all 30 finalists in the money
  4. Our Kodak Challenge payout is increased from 10 to 12 winners in both Gross and Net brackets
  5. More good give aways than ever for Sunday’s post-play activities
  6. And lastly, a great golf course to host this great event.


  1. Both days are 8:00 Shotgun Starts.  Everyone should be at the course, warmed up and ready to go to our starting holes no later than 7:45, so please plan to get an early start from home.
  2. Legacy Hills Members’ afternoon Shotgun play is scheduled to start at 1:00, which means CTGA should be finished and off the course by that time.  CTGA Pace of Play expectation is less than 4:30 for all 18 pairing groups.
  3. Legacy Hills Marshal will help keep us on pace with special instructions to address Pace issues ONLY if foursomes are well behind the group in front AND are exceeding a 2:15 turn and/or 4:30 finish pace.
  4. Post-play activities will be held at the Cowan Creek Pavilion immediately after play at Legacy Hills.  Please load up your golf equipment, return your golf carts to the return staging, secure your official scorecards, and drive to the Cowan Creek Pavilion as quickly as possible.  Directions to the pavilion are below.
  5. Turn in your official scorecards to the designated marker as soon as you get to the Pavilion.
  6. Food and beverage should be ready when you get there, so come hungry.
  7. Our 2015 Annual General Meeting will begin immediately after most players finish eating and our Saturday results are posted.
  8. Skip the line on Saturday by pre-paying Online.  PLEASE, make sure your fees are paid before or on Saturday so we won’t have to spend time with this on Sunday.  We thank you in advance.






Remember, you are responsible for knowing your specific ….

1.      Starting Hole (see attached Pairing Sheet)

2.      Assigned Tees to Play

3.      CTGA Rules of Play


This information will be posted at Legacy Hills  prior to start of play.


Again, all players should be at the course, signed in and ready no later than 7:40, when we will make our Pre-Start Announcements prior to going to our starting holes at 7:50.


Kevin Lowe, Scott Preece and Steve Barnes will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez.  Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.


TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER:   No Carryover in either Trash Flight this event.


TEES TO PLAY:  Note your assigned Tees in the attached Pairing Sheet


CLOSE TO PIN HOLES:  1st Trash Flight - #8 & #16;    2nd Trash Flight - #4 & #12




LEGACY HILLS DRESS CODE:  Consistent with Country Club dress policy so please dress accordingly.  They are a Soft Spike facility.


SATURDAY WEATHER FORECAST:   For some, another light jacket at start time, with mid-80’s at finish time.  What more could we ask for?  If the weather turn sour, call Eddie Nunez (512-797-0566) after 7:00 for status of play.

Jimmy Clay Results

Jimmy Clay results are now available.

FedEx Cup Round 2 results are now available.

FedEx Cup Finalists are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Member KELLEY MORRIS and Special Guest AUBREY McCARTY to our Jimmy Clay tournament.
  • Comments from many members today showed extreme pleasure with the condition of Jimmy Clay golf course.  I’m sure we all agree this course is now one of the premier courses in greater Austin.
  • Only one word from your Directors about Pace of Play today is: OUTSTANDING!!!!




A real break in the weather for CTGA this morning at start time with many seen with light jackets.  Fall is a great time of the year. 


Congratulations to our Jimmy Clay Medal Play Flight winners…..


1st Flight:   Tommy Norris (74 / 71)

2nd Flight:  Steven Kirkpatrick (78 / 71)

3rd Flight:  John Relic (81 / 72)

4th Flight:  James Battle (82 / 70) wins Scorecard Playoff over Jim Petitt (82 / 70)

5th Flight:  Ken Pilcher (80 / 67)

6th Flight:  DeHart McMillan (86 / 70) wins Scorecard Playoff over Jeff Jones (86 / 70)

7th Flight:  Joe Gimenez (87 / 69)

8th Flight:  Jubayer Ahmed (89 / 66)


Special Kudos to….

  • Tommy Norris with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 74
  • Jubayer Ahmed with Low Net Round of the Day – 66 
  • Closest Par 3 shots of the day:

1st Trash Flight:  Brian Melnyk – 4’ 7” on #12

2nd Trash Flight:  Chris Kemsley – 2’ 7” on #5

And finally, three Eagles today…..

    Paul McCarty with a 3 on #7

    Tommy Norris with a 3 on #7

    John Relic with a 3 on #7

Great playing guys……

Morris Williams Results

Morris Williams results are now available.

Fedex Cup Round 1 results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed prospective New Members PRESTON MOORE and DOUG SELLERS, and Special Guest RANDY PERRY to our Morris Williams tournament.
  • Another reminder that our Jimmy Clay tournament on Saturday has been changed to a SHOTGUN START.  The fee increase from $56.00 to $70.00 is the added cost of the cart.
  • Jimmy Clay is our final regular season event before our 2015 Fall Classic.  I’ve attached a list of players committed to play this event on Saturday.  Please review to make sure your name is on the list if you are playing or, if you aren’t, to let us know to remove your name.
  • We’ll be sending out a Morris Williams Pace of Play summary by Pairing Group later today.  Please review to see where delays were and how we can avoid them in the future.



Weather conditions couldn’t have been any better for this event.  Conditions for Saturday’s event at Jimmy Clay is forecast to be just as good. 


Congratulations to our Morris Williams Medal Play Flight winners…..


1st Flight:   Eddie Nunez (70 / 68)

2nd Flight:  Joon Lee (76/ 68)

3rd Flight:  Sean Power (77 / 69)

4th Flight:  Jason Elkins (78 / 67)

5th Flight:  Mike Cearley (79 / 65)

6th Flight:  Carl Givens (82 / 67)

7th Flight:  Doug Johnson (84 / 66)

8th Flight:  Barry Tipton (83 / 61)


Special Kudos to….

  • Eddie Nunez with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 2 Under Par 70
  • Barry Tipton with Low Net Round of the Day – 61 
    Who is this Masked Man?
  • Closest Par 3 shots of the day:
  • 1st Trash Flight:  Curt Mathews – 3’ 9” on #3

2nd Trash Flight:  Wendy Villegas – 11’ 4” on #8

  • And finally, two Eagles made yesterday…..
    Teresa Phillips with a 3 on #17
    Aaron Seafous with a hole-out 2 on #18.

Great playing gals……


Also attached are the results of our FedEx Cup Playoff ~ Round 1.  With this round, we’ve reduced the field by 25%.  Congratulations to those who advanced and we wish those who didn’t better luck next year.

Morris Williams Tournament Specifics

Morris Williams pairings are now available.

  • If you have not yet signed up for our 2015 Fall Classic, please do so as soon as you know you’ll be playing.
  • Our REDEFINED PACE of PLAY POLICY will be enforced this tournament.
  • Please don’t put yourself in a position to make us evoke an Excessive Slow Play Penalty against your foursome.
  • We have room for more player on Sunday on a first come basis.  If your plans have changed and you would like to play, please let us know ASAP.




Remember, you are responsible for knowing your specific ….

1.      Scheduled Start Time

3.      Assigned Tees to Play

4.      CTGA Rules of Play


This information will be posted at the Morris Williams Pavilion prior to start of play.


All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.


Kevin Lowe, Scott Preece and Steve Barnes will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez.  Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.



This will also be the 1st round of our FedEx Cup Playoff.  See attached Playoff Flights.


1st TEE TIME:  9:00


TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER:   No Carryover in either Trash Flight this event.


TEES TO PLAY:  Note your assigned Tees in the attached Pairing Sheet


CLOSE TO PIN HOLES:  1st Trash Flight - #3 & #12;    2nd Trash Flight - #8 & #14




MORRIS WILLIAMS DRESS CODE:  They do not have a specific dress code.  However, CTGA requests all players to dress consistent with Country Club dress policy.  They are a Soft Spike facility.


SUNDAY WEATHER FORECAST:   Looks almost perfect…mid 70 at 1st tee time and a high of around 87.  If the weather turn bad, call Eddie Nunez (512-797-0566) after 8:00 for status of play.

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