Morris Williams Tournament Specifics

Pairings for Morris Williams are now available.

  • CTGA welcomes Special Guests DRAKE BESHEER and CONNER LOWE to our Morris Williams tournament.
  • Our next USGA Rules Defined is attached for your review. This week’s Rule addresses the LINES AND STAKES ON THE COURSE.
  • We still have room for 2 more players. If your plans have changed and you would like to play, please reply ASAP.


All players are responsible for knowing your specific ….

1. Assigned Pairings and Flights

2. Scheduled Start Time

3. Assigned Tees

4. CTGA Rules of Play


This information will be posted at the Morris Williams Pavilion prior to start of play.

All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

Kevin Lowe and Scott Preece will be the Directors in charge of this event, assisted by Eddie Nunez. Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.

FORMAT: Medal Play

1st TEE TIME: 10:30

TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER: No Trash Carryover this event


Men Flights 1, 2 and 3 play BLUE Tees (6,607 yards)

Men Flights 4, 5 and 6 play WHITE Tees (5,975 yards)

Ladies Flights 1 and 3 play GREEN Tees (5,243 yards)

Ladies Flight 6 plays RED Tees (4,973 yards)

CLOSE TO PIN HOLES: 1st Trash Flight - #3 & #12; 2nd Trash Flight - #8 & #14


SATURDAY WEATHER FORECAST: As of this time, at start time, 10:30, looks like about 72 and cloudy with no chance of rain. If the weather does turn bad, call the golf course (512-947-8333) or Eddie Nunez (512-797-0566) after 9:00 on tournament day for status of play.

Roy Kizer Tournament Results

Roy Kizer results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Member TOM FIELDS , and Returning Member EMORY HOPKINS, and Special Guests BRIAN BRANSON, TERRY ERDLE, JASON JONES, and ERIC NATENSTEDT to our Roy Kizer tournament.
  • Our Pace of Play time yesterday at Roy Kizer was exceptional. Average finish time between CTGA 4-somes was right at 10 minutes….OUTSTANDING. Can this be the breakthrough we’ve been looking for? Hopefully this will become the norm rather than the exception.
  • Congratulations to Wendy and Phillip Villegas….with Wendy now having a “BABY ON BOARD”!!! Expected delivery sometime in September.
  • Congratulations also to member Matt Alver who accepted a new position in Austin and won’t be leaving the area. It’s good to see you’ll remain a valued CTGA member.
  • And, finally Congratulations to Julie Torres for shooting her low round ever yesterday….a 72. She was “IN A ZONE”.




Outstanding day, including weather, some good golf and excellent Pace of Play.


Attached are the results of our 2-Player Team competition and the FedEx Points awarded for this event based on hypothetical Medal Play Flights.


Congratulations to our Flight winners….

1st Flight: The Team of Eddie Nunez, AJ Ju, Julie Torres, and Helen Friar with their Team Net Total score of 199.

2nd Flight: The 4 ¼ Player Team of Ezra Peterson, Phillip Villegas, Charlie Wilson, Wendy Villegas, and Baby Villegas with their Team Net Total score of 193.


Also, special Kudos to….

  • Erik Rudi for Low Gross Round of the Day - 71
  • Julie Torres for Low Net Round of the Day - 61
  • Carl Givens for the Closest to Pin shot at 8’ 10” on hole #15

Roy Kizer Tournament Specifics

Roy Kizer pairings are now available.

  • CTGA welcomes New Members PAT ELLIOTT and TOM FIELDS, and Special Guests TERRY ERDLE and JASON JONES to our Roy Kizer tournament.
  • Our next USGA Rules Defined is attached for your review. This week’s Rule is 5-3, Ball Unfit For Play.




All players are responsible for knowing your specific ….

1. Assigned Pairings and Flights

2. Start Time

3. Assigned Tees

4. CTGA Rules of Play


This information will be posted at the Roy Kizer Pavilion prior to start of play.


All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.


Scott Preece and Eddie Nunez will be the Directors in charge of this event. Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.


FORMAT: 4-Player * 2-3-4 Best Ball (See attached Pairing Sheet for tournament Format Rules)


1st TEE TIME: 10:33


TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER: No Carryover in either Trash Flight



All Men play BLUE TEES

Ladies play RED TEES


CLOSE TO PIN HOLES: 1st Trash Flight - #4 & #13; 2nd Trash Flight - #8 & #15




SATURDAY WEATHER FORECAST: Who knows this early in the week. Current forecast calls for a high of 77 and scattered thunderstorms. Although we’re hoping for the best, if the weather does turn bad, call the golf course (512-444-0999) or Eddie Nunez (512-797-0566) after 9:00 on tournament day for status of play.

Morris Williams Results

Morris Williams results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Members MARVIN ALLISON, RANDY McKINNEY and CHRIS MORROW, and Special Guest BRIAN McGIFF to our Morris Williams tournament.
  • The format for our next tournament, at Roy Kizer, is a 4 Player Team – 2-3-4 Best Ball format. For those not familiar with this format, go to our website at, and under Rules & Regulations, click on Tournament Formats.
  • A reminder to all our great Members: If you sign up for at CTGA tournament and, for whatever reason, are unable to make your tee time, we ask that you take just a couple minutes to call either a CTGA Director or the golf course to let us know. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.




What appeared to be a sure rain-out, turned out to be an excellent day of golf. Of our 75 scheduled players, we had only 4 players decide not to show up for this event due to the weather. Too bad that they missed this great day.


Attached are the results of our Chicago competition.


Congratulations to our Flight winners….

1st Flight: Erik Rudi (75 and +3 Points)

2nd Flight: Brad Bevil (74 / +7 Points)

3rd Flight: Julie Torres (78 / +5 Points)

4th Flight: Mike Cearley (80 / +6 Points)

5th Flight: Juan Morales (84 / +6 Points)

6th Flight: Michael Bera (85 / +7 Points)


Also, special Kudos to….

  • Michael Holzmeister for Low Gross Round of the Day - 73
  • Erik Rudi’s Eagle 3 on #5
  • Scott Zaskoda for the Closest to Pin shot at 7’ 7” on hole #12
  • Brad Bevil and Szucceed Ly for the only Deuces in the 1st Trash Flight
  • Doug Davis and Chris Morrow for the only Deuces in the 2nd Trash Flight
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