Lions Results

Lions results are now available.

  • CTGA welcomed New Member FELIX CONTRERAS, Returning Member JOHN LAWLESS, and Special Guests RUSTY HELTON, DAVID JACQUET and KAVEH KHAZAD to our Lions Muny tournament.
  • Our Pace of Play at Lions yesterday was excellent.  We’ll send a Pace report with the breakdown for all Pairing groups later.  Well done Members!!!!!. 

Optimism again was a winner yesterday considering a forecast of 50% chance of rain and only some slight misting early in our round.  Let’s hope it continues throughout the year.


Congratulations to our Lions Muny Team Flight winners…..


1st Flight:   The Team of Steve Barnes, Helen Friar, Eddie Nunez, and Julie Torres with a 6+6+6 Team Total 198

2nd Flight:  The Team of  Joe Booth, Rusty Helton, David Jacquet, and Kinny Ochoa with a 6+6+6 Team Total 196


Also, special Kudos to….

         Tom Bolanos with Individual Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 1 under Par 70
         Rick Spigarelli with the Individual Low Net Rounds of the Day – 66
         Barak Ness with the Closest Par 3 shot of the day of 5’ 11” on #4
         Shawn Higgins, Emory Hopkins and Eddie Nunez with the only Skins in the 1st Trash Flight
         Barak Ness again with the only Deuce in the 2nd Trash Flight
         And lastly, to Helen Friar with an almost “tap in” Eagles on #8.   

Lions Tournament Specifics

Lions pairings are now available.

  • Our 2015 Pace of Play Initiative will be sent out tomorrow with full implementation starting with our Lions Muny tournament.  When you get it, please take the time to review it thoroughly so there won’t be any surprises on Saturday.
  • At this time we have room for three more player on a first come basis.  If your plans have changed and you would like to play, please let us know ASAP.


Remember, your Team is responsible for knowing your specific ….

1.      Starting Time

3.      Assigned Tees to Play

4.      CTGA Rules of Play


This information will be posted at Lions Muny scoreboard prior to start of play.

All players should be at the course, signed in and ready to play at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

Kevin Lowe, Scott Preece and Steve Barnes will be the Directors in charge of this event.  Please direct tournament day questions or concerns to them.

FORMAT:  4-Player Team 6+6+6


TRASH FLIGHT CARRYOVER:   No Carryover in either Trash Flight this event.


  • All Men play BLUE TEES
  • All Ladies play RED TEES

CLOSE TO PIN HOLES:  1st Trash Flight - #7 & #17; 2nd Trash Flight - #4 & #13


LIONS MUNY DRESS CODE:  No specific dress code.  However, CTGA requests all player dress consistent with Country Club requirements.  They are a Soft Spike facility.

SATURDAY WEATHER FORECAST:   The forecast shows a 50% change of rain…but this also indicates a 50% change that rain won’t happen.  If, however, the weather does turn bad, we won’t make a decision until just before 1st Tee Time.  First check our CTGA Facebook page at CENTRAL TEXAS GOLF ASSOCIATION.  If no information there, call the golf course (512-477-6963) or Eddie Nunez (512-797-0566) for status of play.

2015 Pace of Play Initiative

2015 Pace of Play Initiative is now available.

With our 2014 tournament season ending with such success, and as we started preparing for 2015, expectations were high that this year would be our best ever.  We haven’t been disappointed.  Comparing the 13 events played YTD this year to last year, these numbers are impressive:

  • we’ve already welcomed 49 new members, compared to 87 all last year
  • our total participation is up 15% (despite the loss of 47 players from 2 events due to weather)
  • average participation in our last 7 events is 69, compared to 59 last year
  • our last event at The Bandit set a record for players in a single tournament at 86.

The above success we’ve had year-to-date brings us to a very concerning issue as we move forward.  PACE of PLAY!  The more players in our tournaments will increasingly challenge our ability to meet our 4:30 pace target.  Our major concerns, if we don’t get our Pace of Play under control, include:

Every year our CTGA Directors commit to our members that we will start enforcing our Pace of Play policy and, every year, we let our members down by looking the other way.  We discussed this topic in length at our Quarterly Director meeting 2 weeks ago and agreed that it’s time we take positive action and begin enforcing this policy.

As we move forward, we welcome the opportunity to meet with and discuss concerns with any CTGA Members who do not agree with the procedures as stated.

The Bandit Results

Bandit results are now available.

  • The Pace of Play at our tournament yesterday was a setback to the trend we’ve been tracking to lately.  I’ll be sending out a follow-up message to all later today. 


The turnout for our tournament yesterday was outstanding with 86 players signed up and 86 players made it.  It’s the largest ever turnout for CTGA.  We are now, arguably, the premier golf league in the greater Austin area.


Congratulations to our Bandit Flight winners…..


1st Flight:   Emory Hopkins (78/73)

2nd Flight:  Josh Johnson (85/78)

3rd Flight:  James Battle (80/70)

4th Flight:  Juan Morales (89/75)

5th Flight:  Donny Thomas (87/71)

6th Flight:  Hart McMillan (92/67)


Also, special Kudos to….

  • Emory Hopkins and Eddie Nunez with Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 78
  • Hart McMillan with the Low Net Rounds of the Day – 67
  • James Battle (70) and brothers Hart (67) and Lee (69) McMillan with the only Under Par Net Scores of the day
  • Hart McMillan (0’ 10”), Doug Johnson (3’ 7”) and Sean Power (5’ 2”) with all 3 Closest to Pin shots under 5 ½ feet
  • Christina Lipton with 2 Deuces in the 1st Trash Flight
  • Doug Johnson, Hart McMillan and Wendy Villegas with the only Deuces in the 2nd Trash Flight
  • And lastly, to Mike Fitzpatrick (2 on #4) Josh Johnson (2 on #4) and Emory Hopkins (3 on #18) for their Eagles.   

Morris Williams Results

Morris Williams results are now available.

CTGA welcomed New Members JUBAYER AHMAD, MATT CHORZEWSKI and WALTER McMILLAN, and Special Guests TIMOTHY BRIONES and COLE EVANS to our Morris Williams tournament.


·       The following items were either found or lost at Morris Williams……

         A 3 iron was found and is at Morris Williams.  Call them if you lost it;
         Jason Elkins lost a 56 degree Wedge with orange grio;
         A grey Cutter-Buck jacket with Morris Williams logo was left at the course.  I have it.
         A Divot Repair Tool was lost on #4 fairway.  Not expensive but has sentimental value.  If you found it, please let me know. 






Lets hope this tournament was the last of the harsh weather we have to face this year.  Despite the negative forecast and lingering drizzle, of the 65 players signed up, we had 50 play and complete their round.  Nobody can say CTGA isn’t resilient.


SPECIAL NOTE:  Because our field was reduced from 65 to 50 players, so did our Payout for Morris Williams go from paying 4 Places to paying 3 Places each Flight.


Congratulations to our Flight winners…..


1st Flight:   Josh Johnson (8 Points)

2nd Flight:  Nathan Neal (6 Points)

3rd Flight:  Chris Toombs won Playoff with Steve Barnes (both -2 Points)

4th Flight:  Juan Morales (11 Points)

5th Flight:  Brian Newsom (12 Points)

6th Flight:  Phillip Dodge (16 Points)


Also, special Kudos to….

         Tom Bolanos and Erik Rudi with the Low Gross Rounds of the Day – 76
         Juan Morales and Phillip Dodge with the Low Net Rounds of the Day - 67
         Paul Cole with the Closest shot to the Pin on #4 (6’ 4”)
         Bill Lindquist with the only Deuce in the 1st Trash Flight
         Tod Alderman with the only Deuce in the 2nd Trash Flight
         And lastly, to Charlie Wilson for his Eagle 3 on hole #5. 


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