Team Championship Results

Results from the Team Championship are now available.


  • CTGA welcomed New Members DOMINIQUE CARRILLO, RYAN LOGUE and RHETT SHUTZE, and Special Guest LARRY KEELING to our Morris Williams tournament.
  • Remember, our next tournament is at Onion Creek on Thursday, June 27. Our Sign up deadline is FRIDAY, JUNE 21.
  • Ezra Peterson hurt his wrist trying to hit out of a bunker on Sunday and had to withdraw, which in turn, took his partner, Charlie Wilson out of the 2-Player event as well. What looked very serious turned out to be a Grade 1 Strain and Ezra should be back playing in about a month. Get well, Ezra….we hope to see you soon.

Raves about perfect weekend weather appeared to be a bit premature at about 9:20 Sunday morning as an intense thunderstorm stopped play for 45 minutes. It rained just long enough to get all players and equipment wet. As we returned to play, the clouds parted and the sun came shining through. From that point on, it WAS a perfect weekend of golf.


Congratulations to our Team Flight winners….


1st Team Flight:

  • 1st Place: The “Father-Son” team of John and Jeff Weisheit with a 2-day Net total of 198
  • 2nd Place: The team of Sean Nunez and Helen Friar with a Net total of 200

2nd Team Flight:

  • 1st Place: The team of Chris Garcia and Dominique Carrillo with a Net total of 203
  • 2nd Place: The team of Scott Preece and Juan Morales with a Net total of 204


This may have been one of the best CTGA scoring tournament ever …..

Yeh….we played from the White Tees, but we also have to remember that we still had to hit fairways and greens and put the ball in the hole. Congratulations to those of us who were in a rare “zone” and to those of you who shoot similar scores regularly.


    6 players with rounds “UNDER PAR”

            Eddie Nunez – 66 (Sat) - 71 (Sun) Low Gross - 137

            Jeff Weisheit – 68 (Sat) - 70 (Sun) Low Gross - 138

            Sean Nunez – 70 (Sat) – 72 (Sun) Low Gross - 142

            Karl Morris – 71 (Sat….and his 1st ever round “Under Par”)

    4 more players with rounds of “EVEN PAR 72”

            Sat: Stefan Ruiz and Andres Sanchez

            Sun: Mike Holzmeister and Sean Nunez

    17 other players shooting 73 to 79

    And for the 4 players who had Eagles on Sunday, including…..

            Tom Bolanos - #5

            Mike Holzmeister - #11

            Andres Sanchez - #5 (his 2nd in his last 2 events)

            Charles Shepherd - #3


Also Special Kudos to…..

· Bill Lindquist for his Close-to-Pins on #3…..both days

· Kevin Lowe for his Close-to-Pins on # 12…..both days

· Kevin Lowe for his 3 Deuces on Saturday

· Kyle Cruz for the only Deuce of the day in either Trash Flight on Sunday