2015 Pace of Play Initiative

2015 Pace of Play Initiative is now available.

With our 2014 tournament season ending with such success, and as we started preparing for 2015, expectations were high that this year would be our best ever.  We haven’t been disappointed.  Comparing the 13 events played YTD this year to last year, these numbers are impressive:

  • we’ve already welcomed 49 new members, compared to 87 all last year
  • our total participation is up 15% (despite the loss of 47 players from 2 events due to weather)
  • average participation in our last 7 events is 69, compared to 59 last year
  • our last event at The Bandit set a record for players in a single tournament at 86.

The above success we’ve had year-to-date brings us to a very concerning issue as we move forward.  PACE of PLAY!  The more players in our tournaments will increasingly challenge our ability to meet our 4:30 pace target.  Our major concerns, if we don’t get our Pace of Play under control, include:

Every year our CTGA Directors commit to our members that we will start enforcing our Pace of Play policy and, every year, we let our members down by looking the other way.  We discussed this topic in length at our Quarterly Director meeting 2 weeks ago and agreed that it’s time we take positive action and begin enforcing this policy.

As we move forward, we welcome the opportunity to meet with and discuss concerns with any CTGA Members who do not agree with the procedures as stated.